Wednesday, August 19, 2015


Good Morning,

Hi Guys, Today i want to share to you all about how to fix fast 

draining battery for android?

hmmm... its simple but you should install apk from Playstore,

apk name's is dual battery,

dual battery can save your poor battery android and make 

your battery survive for a longer time,

Besides, you can fix with the following steps :

1. Mobile Data – Turn Off 4G

If you have a smartphone, you’ll see Mobile Data is an option in Quick Settings. If you don’t see it, that’s fine – just skip to the next section.

Do any of these situations apply to you?

  • Your carrier doesn’t have 4G coverage in your area
  • You do a lot of traveling between 3G and 4G coverage areas
  • You simply don’t need to use 4G (because you don’t stream video on the go)
If you answered yes to any of these questions, turn off 4G on your device. When you have 4G on and you’re not in an area with 4G coverage, your phone is always asking, “Is there 4G coverage here? How about here? What about now?”, and this constant searching uses a lot of battery life.

2. Turn Off Mobile Data Entirely (When You Can)

If you’re really struggling with battery life and you travel within areas with spotty coverage, try disabling Mobile Data entirely. You’ll still be able to receive texts and make phone calls, but you’ll save a lot of battery.
A friend of mine has a camp in the Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York, and whenever I travel there I make sure to turn off Mobile Data. A good rule of thumb: The worse the coverage, the faster your battery drains. This happens because your phone’s antenna has to work that much harder to try to find and maintain a signal.
Next up: One of the biggest battery Android battery life drainers, and it has to do with an app we all use: Facebook.

3. Don’t Use The Facebook App! (Use The Mobile Website Instead)

Like I said before, not all apps are created equal, and in my book, you won’t find any better examples of this than the Facebook and Facebook Messenger apps. It’s strong language, but it’s true: The Facebook app for Android is horrible. The only way to stop the Facebook app from constantly checking for notifications and eating up battery life is to log out of the app. Even closing it out using the methods above doesn’t solve the problem – it restarts itself almost instantaneously.

Why, you ask? One app can’t be that bad, right? Wrong!

When I had the Facebook app on my phone, I was lucky if I got 8-10 hours on a full charge, even after implementing all of the other suggestions I’ve shared with you on how to improve your battery life. Now, under exactly the same conditions but without the Facebook app, I average 12-16 hours of battery life. Yep: Applying this one simple fix has given me at least 50% more battery life.
I’ve only given one example here, but trust your gut – if you’ve recently installed an app that is draining your battery too quickly, locking up your phone or tablet for long periods of time, or causing your device to reboot – you’ve probably stumbled across a poorly-coded app. I’d love to hear about your own discoveries in the comments section below.

4. Keep Your Brightness At A Comfortable Level

Let’s head back to the Quick Settings app and take a closer look at the Brightness setting on your device. Truth is, the displays built into our devices these days are amazing, and they can get really, really bright. The brighter the display, however, the faster your battery will drain.
Setting your device’s Brightness slider right around the middle will be absolutely fine in most circumstances and can cut down on eye strain in low light environments. I have my phone set on Auto-Brightness, a feature that automatically adjusts the brightness of the display to the level of ambient light surrounding you. This uses the ambient light sensor in your phone, which in itself can drain the battery by always asking, “How bright is it now? How about now?”, but I’ve found that the tiny amount of battery this sensor actually uses saves most people a far greater amount of battery life than the massive drain caused by leaving their device set to maximum brightness all the time.

5. GPS

If you rarely use your phone for GPS, you probably don’t need your phone to constantly ping satellites for a service that you’re not using anyway. Head to Settings -> Location Services and turn GPS off.

6. Bluetooth

Do You Even Have Any Bluetooth Devices? This one’s simple: If you don’t use any Bluetooth devices, turn Bluetooth off to save battery life.

7. Wi-Fi (If You Don’t Use It)

Do you use Wi-Fi at home or in the office? If you do, it’s probably best to leave Wi-Fi on, just to keep things simple. If you don’t, go ahead and turn Wi-Fi off to save some extra battery life.

Saturday, October 18, 2014


Cara Cepat dan Ampuh Meningkatkan Page Rank Blog ~ Kebutuhan akan Pagerank Blog yang tinggi sudah menjadi hal mutlak bagi para Blogger tentunya. Tip kali ini tentang Cara Cepat Meningkatkan Pagerank Blog yang terbaru atau updated, bisa sangat membantu bagi AndaSemakin tinggi pagerank blog kita tentu saja blog kita bakalan semakin eksis dan punya banyak pengunjung. Tip dan trik yang akan saya bagikan ini juga akan mendatangkan jutaan backlink berkualitas untuk blog teman-teman.

Cara Cepat dan Ampuh Meningkatkan Page Rank Blog
Tips  Cara Cepat Terbaru Meningkatkan Pagerank Blog  ini sangat sederhana tapi hasilya memuaskan bahkan memungkinkan meningkatkan Pagerank Blog dari PR 0 memjadi PR 5 sampai PR 7 dalam waktu yang singkat, dan yang penting Anda bisa melakukanya dengan GRATIS,

Agar Link ke Blog Anda nempel terus dan dibantu promosikan oleh 1 juta orang lebih?  maka Anda dapat menggunakan iklan dengan Faktor Kali. Cara Kerjanya sangat sederhana. Anda mendaftar di link yang akan saya sebutkan beberapa saat lagi. Kemudian langsung LOGIN dan isi Data Anda meliputi Blog Anda, judul Blog Anda dan keterangan singkat tentang Blog Anda tersebut. Segera setelah itu anda akan punya WEBSITE REPLIKA KHUSUS dengan id Anda yang unik untuk Anda promosikan. Saran saya letakkan saja link link ini di blog Anda agar orang lain dapat mengikuti.

Anda pasti sangat mudah mengajak orang untuk mendaftar, karena semua orang butuh PR tinggi dan promosi, setiap orang ingin iklan mereka tersebar dengan cepat. Ok, anggaplah anda telah mulai mempromosikan website replika Anda tadi. Kita asumsikan 2 orang teman Anda sudah Gabung melalui link Anda!. 2 Orang ini disebut Level 1 Anda. Setelah itu promosi otomatis Anda akan mulai segera bekerja sendiri bagaikan autopilot. Mengapa? Karena link ke blog Anda tadi NEMPEL pada website 2 orang member Anda tadi. Sekarang Anda mulai dibantu promosi oleh 2 orang!.
Apa keuntungan Anda setelah mendaftar :

> Blog teman-teman akan di promosikan oleh lebih dari 1.000.000 Member blogger.
> Blog teman-teman akan mendapat JUTAAN backlink berkualitas.
> Pagerank Blog teman-teman akan cepat meningkat. Dan banyak lagi.

. Mau?....jangan buang waktu lagi klik saja daftar GRATIS dibawah artikel ini

2 Orang member Anda tadi juga bisa mengerjakan cara yang sama, mereka mengajak masing-masing 2 teman mereka, berarti ada tambahan 4 orang kan?. 4 Orang ini disebut Level 2 Anda. Total Jumlah member Anda sekarang menjadi 6. Kemudian ini berlanjut terus, 4 orang baru yang di level 2 Anda tadi juga mengajak 2 teman mereka, tambah 8 (Level 3). Sekarang Anda telah dibantu oleh 14 orang. Link Ke Blog Anda dibawa oleh 14 orang, padahal Anda hanya ngelink ke tempat saya satu kali bukan? Ini terus berlanjut!
Seperti ini tabel perkembangannya:

Ternyata jika Anda mendaftar setelah ini, memasukkan informasi blog Anda, kemudia saya mengajak 2 orang saja maka iklan Anda dapat dibawa bukan oleh 1 juta orang lebih melainkan 2 Juta orang lebih! Promosi Anda yang sederhana bisa membuat iklan Anda NEMPEL pada sebanyak itu orang. Gratis pula!.

Anda tak akan menyia-nyiakan kesempatan ini, bukan...... Silahkan bergabung sekarang juga kesini:

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"Saya Sudah Daftar"
Bagaimana Dengan Anda?
"Blog Anda Sudah dipromosikan"
Bagaimana Dengan Kalian??
"Tingkatkan PR Blog Anda Segera"!!

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